
Sawn timber – it's all sorts of products, from wood, which is widely used in modern construction and repair. Lumber made from various wood species using specialized equipment (four-sided machines, Planers, Grinders, wood drying chambers, cutters, Planers) and are thus an important quality as environmental friendliness. Use timber does not have harmful effects on humans and the environment, so the timber is widely used at sites as industrial and civil use. Lumber is classified by several parameters: the cross-sectional 1.Po parameters are the following lumber – boards, beams and bars. Most often, these standard-size lumber. 2.Po forest type from which the building is made materials, timber is divided into coniferous, deciduous and valuable timber trees. The most common form of lumber – boards and blocks are classified into five quality classes.

Boards are divided by thick – thick – more than 32 mm, and thin – less than 32 mm. These are timber edging and cuticles pushed. The most common type of lumber on the market – this board unedged. The ends of the planks sawdust or sawdust is partially at all. These boards are often used to install flooring or upholstery, that is, in cases where it is hidden under the outer coating, and its appearance is not the principal. Lumber made from hardwoods woods: birch, oak, ash, aspen, maple, have on the structure of high strength, but the weight of such timber is much greater than the mass of lumber from coniferous trees.

However, such timber provide an excellent environment and pleasant aesthetic perception. Softwood lumber are not a lot of weight, but are highly durable and moisture resistant. The most popular softwood lumber – spruce, and it pine. Softwood lumber in the form of bars have 4 varieties. Wooden beams – a log hewn on all four sides, dried in a ventilated area for a long time, the thickness of which exceeds 100 mm. Dry beam is practically not affected by shrinkage, and is suitable for the construction of almost any object. Building a dry timber is the basis for all other types of timber: planed beams, laminated veneer lumber, shaped beam. Glued timber – this timber, which is made by gluing dried and boards. Planed timber – it is modern and practical timber, which is a solid, sawn from logs and timber vystroganny. Shaped beam-beam is strictly defined shape of the section (profile) and the presence of auxiliary elements, optimizing the assembly.