It is perceived that the attendance in hospital classroom is of utmost importance ahead of the circumstances for which passes these children and adolescents, not only in the direction to offer chance to them to give continuity to it to the studies, but also in the direction to brighten up or to prevent the possible consequences that these difficult moments of internment could cause, for example, tdio, revolt and even though the loss of the interest in returning later to the studies. To know this work in complete or the other workmanships of the author it sends email stops: . .
Superior Institute Polytechnical Gaya
The education and formation of this new and competent universal citizen, pass, essentially, for education and formation, any that are the modalities, being certain that and actualizado personalized, ecumnico, actual an education in its strategies, methodologies and evaluations jousts must be remained in permanent perfectioning. On the basis of a cultural inheritance that comes of the past, is essential to increase a so valuable patrimnio that it comes being legacy the humanity. This is only possible for the education, the formation, the study and the work, because: ‘ ‘ No cause is bigger, no program is worthier of human devotamento, of what the transmission of the cultural inheritance, and no concern can, therefore, sobrepujar of the humanity for the education of infancy and youth, similar of that, engrandecida, the cultural richness if transmits, so that the men of they enjoy tomorrow it, engrandeam more it they transmit and it, in turn, to succeed that them in tempo..
Journalists School
What today is a branch of a Russian education. We all went to school and almost all of us it ended. For someone school influenced positively by someone not quite, but no one will argue that, even something selected, it gave something and return. Largely due to the school the vast majority of us can read, write and know in general terms, the device of our world. Rather, the ideal model of the device in our world. On Indeed our world is far from ideal and, in particular, from the world that we see on tv. The real world is shown on television very often.
Only the professional news and some private investigations Journalists reveal a velvet curtain, closing our eyes. Stop! It seems we're a little distracted from the main idea of this article. While returning to the subject of our discussion, we can say that now, as is the case with our education. If the sector of higher education and high school business is not very bad, then in school education things worse. Today, the media shape the image of a successful creative teachers and teacher, who can earn decent. But is it all really? Let's look at the situation from the perspective of someone who has, say, a couple of years twirled in this area and has some idea about it. The fact in reality, things are in our Russian school education in terms of attitudes towards people and in terms of wages you are likely to not tell anybody.
Channel STS
More recently, in the 'Infomania' on channel STS was a story about that with age the mental power of man, contrary to earlier notions prevailed, only increases – this conclusion was reached by American scientists, studied this problem for half a century. For more on this -. What this means in terms of mastering a foreign language? And this means, in my opinion, is that with age the opportunity to learn new languages is not reduced, and rather the contrary. The older the person, the more sensible motivation for him to master languages, and so productively may be his work with the annex effort required. What I would advise people aged for more effective language acquisition: active, use the Internet with its free resources for language acquisition. The Internet gives us the opportunity to communicate with the world through icq, and skype – learn them is not difficult, but the effect is simply great! Spend more time working with texts and memorizing new words – this job is very develops and trains the brain, and without it is unthinkable normal language acquisition. In the first stage of language acquisition to give increased attention to working out the pronunciation of a foreign language – the study of language from scratch at the age of people is particularly difficult ottrenirovat pronunciation, but systematic work in this direction will help you overcome the challenges barriers in front of you. To do this, I advise listening to it more than the carrier of a foreign language (radio, TV, videos) through the Internet.
And most importantly – believe in yourself, be engaged foreign language systematically, and you are out, I'm sure! My course is' Generic methods improved foreign languages! " focuses on the systematic testing of the above skills – provides specific methods of development of new words, with Text mining and listening comprehension. I will be glad to help you learn a foreign language, no matter how complex it is to you at first glance may seem. Road by walking! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign Languages: – resource, which presents lessons, including audio and video, from 119 languages. Lessons, tests, language communities, dictionaries, phrasebooks, and lots and lots of other useful information. Language Resource – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! " – Master the language independently and effectively